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Beginners yoga course

For complete beginners or anyone who wants to revisit the fundamentals

Our online, on demand flow yoga beginners course is ideal if you or someone you know has always wanted to give flow or vinyasa* yoga a try, but either:

@yogawitholivia high lunge
  • hasn’t had the time

  • is a complete beginner and doesn’t know where to start

  • has done yoga before, but not been to class for a while

  • finds the idea of joining a group class intimidating

  • is put off by the thought of yoga being just for women/ bendy people/ hippies/ not people like you

  • or any or all of the above!

It’d also be great if you have been to a few classes but you’re not quite sure if you’ve got the basics right, or just fancy revisiting the fundamentals of this style of yoga.

This course will take you through the different types of postures you might come across in one of our group classes, recorded in bitesize videos of between 7 and 40 minutes long. It finishes with a 60 minute class to tie everything you have learned together. You will have unlimited access to this content so can watch it as many times as you like.

Olivia is an experienced, approachable and down to earth teacher. As well as the videos in this course you can also email her questions here or set up a zoom call for a chat.

Here’s what someone who has completed the course messaged us after they were done:

“Just wanted to send you a message because [a friend] bought me your beginner yoga course for my birthday and I love it. I’ve been doing yoga by myself for a few years but have slacked off recently and also I get annoyed with some instructors haha. Your classes are so easy to follow and really help me to think more about the position of my body during poses. So just wanted to say thanks.” (NS, 2022)

Important: some helpful tips and our Ts&Cs for these classes are at the bottom of this page. Please scroll down and have a careful read before you take any of these classes!

The details:

  • How much? £25 for over 3.5 hours of video content that you can watch as many times as you like

  • What do I get? The following videos:

    • Introduction and welcome (18mins)

    • Lunges and salutations (38 mins)

    • Standing poses (27 mins)

    • Standing balances (28 mins)

    • Backbends, cool down and relaxations (40 mins)

    • Full length class (60 mins)

    • Bonus video: sun salutations (7 mins)

  • How does it work? Click the green button below to purchase the course. Your purchase confirmation email will contain a password to access the members’ area of this website, which hosts the videos listed above. From there you can watch them whenever and wherever you like! And if anything in the videos doesn’t make sense, or you have any other questions, you can send a message directly to Olivia here.

  • How do I buy? Click the green ‘buy now’ button below to be taken to our online store. Click on ‘flow yoga fundamentals course’. Then under TICKETS you will see ‘Access to online flow yoga fundamentals course’ for £25 - click ‘select’ and follow the steps to purchase.

  • I have a question - is there someone I can ask? Of course! Send us a message here.

[*flow/vinyasa yoga = a style of yoga where you move steadily and in time with your breathing]

IMPORTANT - please read the bullet points below before beginning this course:

  • nothing in these classes should hurt your body! If something hurts, stop doing it. And message us if you have any questions!

  • this course has been recorded to be suitable for those without any significant injuries or conditions (eg pregnancy) that would limit how you could move your body. If you have an injury or anything else you think might come up during class, please drop us a line here before you buy so we can let you know how you may want to adjust to keep yourself safe and healthy.

  • please ensure you have a suitable, safe space to undertake class, with no obvious hazards that you might trip over or slip on. Your space should have sufficient light, access to drinking water and be cool enough so you don’t over heat. Please rest whenever you need to.

  • participation in these classes is subject to and governed by English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales (which sounds scary, but it’s just something we have to let you know for our insurance!).